Why use individual coaching? Coaching is a solution for anyone facing new challenges. Connection Leadership Coaching helps you find a solution to a problem that you cannot solve on your own, and thus to reach a goal that you have set for yourself.

We know that you have the resources within you to achieve your goals. Our role is to accompany you so that you can design your solution. We are the guarantors of the framework of the coaching process that allows you to surpass yourself and activate your creativity in the face of the professional challenges you face.

The objective of the Individual Coaching is to boost your autonomy to enable you to manage the following situations:

  • A lack of balance between your professional and personal life
  • Chronic conflict with a member of your team
  • A difficult relationship with your N+1
  • A questioning about your assertiveness
    a crisis or a sensitive situation
  • Adapting to a change in organization or company
  • Managing your emotions at work
  • The development of your leadership
  • Managing a reorganization
  • The launch of a new project
  • Developing your empathy
  • Empowerment of your employees
  • Risk taking
  • Taking up the position
  • A career change
  • Starting a new project or business

Individual Corporate Coaching

Individual coaching in companies is an accompaniment in a person’s professional environment. It aims to accompany the coachee in his professional development.

Financed by the company, Coaching gives the coachee the keys to take control of his or her career, to improve relationships with colleagues and to achieve professional goals. Prior to the coaching, a tripartite meeting between the coach, the coachee and his/her manager is organized in order to align the coachee’s request with that of the company.

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Private Individual Coaching

Unlike Corporate Individual Coaching, Private Individual Coaching is organized directly by the coachee on a personal basis. It is usually funded by the coachee directly.

The coachee sets with his coach the objectives of the sessions.

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How do our Individual Coaching sessions work?

Whether in a corporate or private setting, an introductory meeting is held to define the request and objectives of the coaching and to align the various parties (coachee, company and coach). During the coaching process you will find a place for exploration and expression, without judgment.
The accompaniment takes place over a period of 10 sessions (depending on the needs expressed). The program helps you to become aware of yourself, your situation and your potential. This naturally prompts you to get moving and transforms your problem into a source of opportunity. The content of the sessions remains confidential.

Thus, you develop your ability to observe your emotional and cognitive functioning, your ability to accept what does not depend on you, to evaluate your actions according to their usefulness and their impact, and finally you become more agile to act more and react less to events

At the end of the Corporate Individual Coaching, you carry out, with your Coach and your company, an end of coaching report certifying the achievement of your objectives.

Our coaches talk about it better than we do

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