Betsy Parayil et Patrick Hoffstetter

Connection Leadership is a business transformation consultancy led by Betsy Parayil and Patrick Hoffstetter.
We have conducted over 1,000 corporate interventions.
Here’s the vision we act on every day.

Activate the potential of business transformation through a holistic vision

The company is a place of ambition, performance and achievement, but unfortunately it is also a world where suffering, frustration and domination can proliferate.
This may seem secondary to strategic objectives, but it’s essential for us to remind our leaders of a truth inherent in the human experience: as human beings, our aspiration is to feel aligned with ourselves, with others, and connected with the world around us.
We deeply desire to find meaning in what we do, and without meaning, it’s impossible to invest ourselves fully in what we do.

Supporting and amplifying this potential for creativity and fulfillment

Our work contributes to balancing the needs of our customers: on the one hand, the company anchors its raison d’être and its performance ambition, and at the same time it becomes more of a place where we can express our intelligences and feel committed to the subjects we take forward.
We work holistically and synchronously on cultural and business issues, including “hard” topics such as digitalization, process improvement, data governance, omnichannelity and open innovation, which most companies struggle with today.
However, our primary lever for success, the one that enables us to transform, is connection.
This starts with the possibility, through practice and exercises, of refining one’s leadership through inner listening, presence, mindfulness and awareness of others. Through our coaching, we also reinforce other elements that are sometimes lacking in companies despite appearances: rigor, organization, clear communication and self-discipline commensurate with ambitions.
We help our customers develop a culture committed to executing the right ideas and decisions, without excuses, and in line with the overall strategy. Thanks to the transformation programs developed by Connection Leadership, leaders and their teams often have a new, profound and positive experience.
Paradoxically, while increasing their performance, they become aware that it’s the path, not the destination, that makes us fulfilled.Betsy Parayil-Pezard

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