
Training objectives

Be able to make decisions or recommendations in the field of intellectual property.

Pedagogical objectives

  • Understand the strategic and economic challenges of intellectual property.
  • Know how to protect and promote innovations.
  • Using other companies’ innovations: freedom to operate issues.
  • How to draw up a license agreement.
  • Understand the strategies, activities and challenges involved in promoting innovations.
  • Understand the range of professions and skills involved in the valorization and use of intellectual property.

Target audience

Directors, managers, key members of the company involved in the ecological transition project, management or legal department, players in projects involving intellectual property.




14 hours (2 days)

Pedagogical methods

Face-to-face at the company’s premises or at the training organization’s premises or Distance learning

Intra- and inter-company


Inter / Presential : 898€ NET tax / participant

Inter / Distanciel : 500€ NET tax / participant

Intra / Presential : 4700€ NET tax / group

Intra / Distanciel : 4000€ NET tax / group

Training program content

  • Gather trainees’ intentions in order to take their expectations into account throughout the course
The fundamentals of intellectual property
  • Protecting your company’s intellectual assets
  • Mastering patents
Protecting your innovations
  • Protecting your company’s innovations
  • Protecting technical inventions: patents
Use patented technologies
  • The challenges of freedom to operate
  • Searching for and identifying patents suited to my needs
  • Assessing the risks of using patented technologies
Exploiting intellectual property
  • Enhancing the value of intellectual property
  • Licensing: implementing a technology transfer
  • Managing intellectual property within your company
Summary and conclusion
  • Project yourself into the future to put what you’ve learned into practice

Pedagogical methods

Training given by 1 Connection Leadership trainer

Teaching method: learning-based pedagogy with alternating interactive activities using the group’s collective intelligence, content input by the trainer, and work sessions grouping participants by company (for inter-company).

Technical resources for classroom sessions:
  • 1 training room with the possibility of 2 islands of tables each measuring 2m by 1m
  • 1 video projector or TV screen
  • 2 paper boards

Minimum 6 people for inter

Maximum 14 people


Specialist in intellectual property in the industrial sector, familiar with the challenges of protecting innovations in the context of the Ecological Transition, trained in the facilitation and management of collective intelligence, specialist in supporting business transformation.

Monitoring and assessment

Pre-course needs questionnaire and learning assessment quiz to better understand the audience’s level and expectations.

Follow-up and support for participants during case studies, exercises, role-playing and in-session tests.

Assessment of knowledge through a Quiz at the end of the course.

Post-training satisfaction and evaluation questionnaire.


Certificate of completion

Our other training courses on ecological transition

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