
Training objectives

The Biodiversity fresco complements the Climate fresco, enabling participants wishing to add to their knowledge of climate issues to acquire a solid base of key knowledge about biodiversity.

The Biodiversity Fresco is based on scientific reports by theIUCN – International Union for Conservation of Nature.
It is supported by theOFB (French Office for Biodiversity).

Participants will be able to :

During the workshop

  • understand that climate change and the erosion of biodiversity are two intimately linked global crises,
  • become aware of the importance of Biodiversity for the economy and economic activities,
  • identify the impacts of their activities on Biodiversity,
  • identify the risks that the erosion of Biodiversity has and will have on their activities,
  • identify the consequences that the erosion of Biodiversity has and will have on their activities.

After the workshop

  • integrate the issues and interdependencies between biodiversity and human activities into its decisions,
  • structure its analysis of a company’s dependencies and impacts on biodiversity,
  • integrate the risks and opportunities of biodiversity for businesses,
  • define a biodiversity strategy,
  • formalize a Biodiversity action plan,
  • better understand, or even anticipate, their investors’ ESG requirements,
  • mobilize all their employees around a universal and unifying challenge: the preservation and regeneration of Life.

Pedagogical objectives

Far from cultivating anxiety, the Biodiversity fresco enables participants to rediscover the importance of Life in their lives, and enables everyone to adopt a posture of action and innovation, in a collective moment of sharing.

At the end of the Biodiversity Mural, participants will be able to :

  • define biodiversity and its three components,
  • understanding ecosystem services,
  • understand the contribution andinfluence of Biodiversity in the development of human activities and societies,
  • understand the causes of biodiversity erosion,
  • link the impact of human activities to the causes of Biodiversity erosion,
  • identify the effects caused by ecosystem disruption, and the consequences for mankind,
  • question the notion of resilience and adaptation,
  • initiate a collective discussion onconcrete, actionable levers for biodiversity, at both individual and corporate level.

Target audience

All employees




3.5h (1/2 day)

Pedagogical methods

On-site at the company’s premises or at the training organization’s premises

Intra- and inter-company


Inter / Presential : 252€ NET tax / participant

Intra / Presential : 1393€ NET tax / group

Training program content

The aim of the Biodiversity Fresco is to raise awareness of the dependencies or impacts that human activities have on Biodiversity, and to reflect collectively on actions that participants could take to preserve or regenerate it.

Using 39 cards distributed in 5 sets, participants, divided into teams of 5-8, have to find the links between the 39 cards to understand what Biodiversity is, what it brings and what degrades it.

The trainer guides participants through the process, answering questions and providing additional information.

  • Gather trainees’ intentions in order to take their expectations into account throughout the course
Understanding ecosystems

Introduction to the workshop with the Biodiversity “Apéros”: recreate an ecosystem and discover the impact of a disturbance on it.

  • What is an ecosystem?
    How can we preserve its balance?
  • Discover the impact of disturbance on ecosystems using three concrete examples.
The fundamentals of biodiversity
  • Identify the three pillars of biodiversity and key figures.
  • What is the concept of ecosystem services?
  • What are the different categories of ecosystem services?
Biodiversity disruption and erosion caused by the effects of human activities
  • The responsibility of mankind for the disruption of ecosystems.
  • The 5 major pressures on biodiversity and their consequences.
Creativity and emotions

A key stage in the process of appropriating and assimilating the subject, participants freeze the cards and the links between them, recomposing the overall diagram.
A round-table discussion allows everyone to express their feelings about the game, the discussion and their awareness.
All kinds of reactions feed the discussion and exchanges.

Participants decorate and title their Fresco.

Levers for action

Once the issues have been set out and understood, the facilitator provides additional information (orders of magnitude, planetary limits, sustainable development objectives, the Donut theory, etc.).
Participants will then reflect and debate to determine the levers for action at individual and corporate level,

If there are several teams, there will be time for sharing and pooling conclusions.

Synthesis and conclusion: Projecting into the future to put what you have learned into practice

Following an overview of the phenomenon and the global measures required, the workshop focuses on companies’ core business, their commitments and their specific impacts on biodiversity.

In the case of an in-company workshop, the focus will be on the company’s specific challenges and possible solutions.
In the case of an inter-company workshop, different issues and possible solutions will be addressed.

Pedagogical methods

Pedagogical tools used :

  • The Biodiversity Fresco

Teaching method: The Biodiversity Fresco is a visual, educational, collaborative and scientific tool.

It evokes the “Head, Heart, Hand” model of Transformative Education: to act, you have to understand.
And if what we’ve learned provokes an emotion (of whatever kind), then we’ll want to act faster and harder.

It is based on an innovative pedagogy, alternating interactive activities using the collective intelligence of the group, the contribution of content by the facilitator and collective reflection by the participants, so as to maximize the acquisition of the fundamentals and the tool by the participants.

Technical resources:

  • 1 training room with the possibility of 2 islands of tables each measuring 2m by 1m
  • 1 video projector and 1 screen
  • 2 paper boards

Minimum 6 people for inter

Maximum 14 people


Specialist in Ecological Transition, experienced animator of the Biodiversity Fresco, trained in facilitation and collective intelligence management, specialist in business transformation support.

Monitoring and assessment

Pre-course needs questionnaire and learning assessment quiz to better understand the audience’s level and expectations.

Follow-up and support for participants during case studies, exercises, role-playing and in-session tests.

Assessment of knowledge through a Quiz at the end of the course.

Post-training satisfaction and evaluation questionnaire.


Certificate of completion

Our other training courses on ecological transition

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