consommation énegrie

Training objectives

Acquire the knowledge base needed to initiate, manage and contribute effectively to a corporate program or project related to energy consumption – all energy sources.

To be able to qualify energy consumption at different levels of the company (from global to specific equipment), and to adopt a pragmatic approach to reducing consumption and/or consumption-related costs by leveraging energy efficiency, sobriety and supply optimization.

At the end of the training course, participants will have carried out a diagnosis and drawn up an action plan – including investment – based on a case study, giving them the tools they need to replicate the approach in their own company.

Pedagogical objectives

At the end of the course, participants will be able to :

  • Understand theimpact of energy consumption on their business (cost, ability to source supplies, etc.).
  • Identify the major consumption items for different types of company, and for their own company.
  • Take stock of the energy consumption of their site/company
  • Use the concepts of sobriety and energy efficiency to reduce energy consumption
  • Suggest actions to reduce consumption
  • Calculate the associated energy savings and payback time to prioritize actions to be taken
  • Have a critical eye to be able to follow a process of evolution and/or optimization of the cost of energy supply, with the option of resorting to on-site production.
  • Know where to turn for external support in carrying out the various phases of a consumption and supply optimization project.

Target audience

Anyone involved in the process of reducing energy consumption, associated costs and the company’s carbon footprint.




7h (1 day)

Pedagogical methods

Face-to-face or remote

Intra- and inter-company


Inter / Presential : 518€ NET tax / participant

Inter / Distanciel : 300€ NET tax / participant

Intra / Presential : 2900€ NET tax / group

Intra / Distanciel: 2400€ NET tax / group

Training program content

  • Weight of energy for different types of company and different types of industry
  • Methods for defining energy consumption at different levels of the company, from one piece of equipment to a site or set of sites – how to obtain the data.
  • Get to grips with Ademe fact sheets on energy consumption in industry and the service sector
  • Concepts of sobriety and energy efficiency and actions to control and reduce consumption (including Energy Management System)
  • Calculation of return on investment (ROI) and assessment of adjacent business impacts to prioritize actions
  • Practical application on a case study: assessment of consumption items and preparation of an action plan.
  • The different ways of obtaining energy: market supply / self-generation / C-PPA
  • Levers for optimizing your supply bill.
  • Where can I turn for help through the various stages?

Pedagogical methods

Teaching method: a learning approach alternating interactive activities, practical case studies and content input by the trainer, including question-and-answer sessions to tailor training content to the specific needs of each company or participant. Concrete examples, case studies and theoretical contributions will be mainly linked to projects involving investments.

Technical resources:

  • Training room with the option of working in sub-groups
  • 1 video projector
  • Paper boards

Minimum 6 people for inter

Maximum 14 people


Specialist in the fields of energy and ecological transition, trained in the facilitation and management of collective intelligence, specialist in business transformation support.

Monitoring and assessment

Pre-course needs questionnaire and learning assessment quiz to better understand the audience’s level and expectations.

Follow-up and support for participants during case studies, exercises, role-playing and in-session tests.

Assessment of knowledge through a Quiz at the end of the course.

Post-training satisfaction and evaluation questionnaire.


Certificate of completion

Our other training courses on ecological transition

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