
Training objectives

On completion of this training course, students will be able to apply a FMECA risk analysis study. In particular, they will be able to examine the conditions of use, prepare and carry out the FMECA method in order toexploit the results of the FMECA and identify the actions to be taken.

Pedagogical objectives

On completion of this course, trainees will be able to :

  • Describe and implement the method steps.
  • Define the role of the working group leader.
  • Setting up a problem-solving work group

Target audience

Anyone required to lead or participate in FMECA studies (manager, quality technician/engineer, methods technician/engineer, production technician/engineer, etc.).




14 hours (2 days)

Pedagogical methods

Face-to-face or remote

Intra- and inter-company


Inter / Presential : 773€ NET tax / participant

Inter / Distanciel : 375€ NET tax / participant

Intra / Presential : 3700€ NET tax / group

Intra / Distanciel : 3000€ NET tax / group

Training program content

  • Tour de table
  • Expectations and objectives of each participant
  • Presentation of the training framework
  • The challenges of product/process FMECA
Case studies
  • Analyze and study case studies to introduce FMECA concepts
Process mapping
  • Complete flow mapping
  • Scheduling operations
  • Identification of the characteristics expected at the end of each operation
  • Identification of parameters that could potentially influence these characteristics
Analyze product risks related to process drift
  • Moving from flowcharts to FMECA processes
  • Identify potential or actual product anomalies generated by each elementary operation
  • Research into the causes of these anomalies
  • Estimating the effects of anomalies on the customer
  • Review of the means of detection (monitoring plan) implemented to detect these anomalies
Prioritize these risks
  • Evaluate the criteria for occurrence (frequency), severity (severity) and detection/non-detection of each anomaly
  • Calculating the risk priority index (RPI)
Identify the action plan to control risks
  • Definition of a criticality level at which corrective action must be considered
  • Search for possible corrective actions to lower the criticality level
Leading and managing an FMECA
  • Preparing the work session
  • The 3 functions of an animator
  • Encouraging creativity in the FMECA group
  • Presenting results
Session summary
  • Reflecting on concrete applications that everyone can implement in their own environment
  • Personalized advice given by the presenter to each participant
  • Formative assessment (quiz to validate acquired skills)
  • Oral assessment and on-the-spot evaluation

Pedagogical methods

Pedagogical method:

  • Theoretical input on the FMECA approach from the trainer
  • Documents presenting a case study (slideshow, photo, history…)
  • Learning-based pedagogy through case-based workshops
  • FMEA support on Excel files to be filled in by learners as they progress through the stages
  • Work using the group’s collective intelligence
  • Support for participants to help them through each step

Technical resources:

  • 1 training room with the possibility of creating workshop islands for sub-group work
  • 1 overhead projector or screen
  • 2 paper boards

Minimum 6 people for inter

Maximum 14 people


Training given by a consultant-trainer specializing in Lean Management

Monitoring and assessment

Pre-course needs questionnaire and learning assessment quiz to better understand the audience’s level and expectations.

Follow-up and support for participants during case studies, exercises, role-playing and in-session tests.

Assessment of knowledge through a Quiz at the end of the course.

Post-training satisfaction and evaluation questionnaire.


Certificate of completion

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