
Training objectives

Raising awareness and supporting companies (directors and managers) internally, to define a project for integrating biodiversity into the company’s activities and formalize an action plan.

At the end of this training course, participants will have understood the challenges of Biodiversity and soils and their economic, ecological and societal role, and will have initiated a preservation and/or enhancement project with an action plan specific to their company.

Pedagogical objectives

  • Understanding the functioning of biodiversity, ecosystems and the role of soils.
  • Understanding the causes and consequences of biodiversity loss and soil impoverishment.
  • Understanding our economy’s dependence on ecosystem services (biodiversity & business).
  • Introduction to the systemic issues of biodiversity and soils, and environmental and social impacts through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Understanding the regulatory (Green deal, CSRD, TNFD, extra-financial reporting, etc.) and geopolitical stakes of Biodiversity for industry, action levers and impact.
  • Definition of abiodiversity integration project specific to each corporate strategy.
  • Draw up a concrete action plan for your project.

Target audience

Executives, managers, key members of the company involved in the Ecological Transition project




14 hours (2 days)

Pedagogical methods

On-site at the company’s premises or at the training organization’s premises

Inter-company (1 or more people per company) or intra-company


Inter / Presential : 803€ NET tax / participant

Inter / Distanciel : 405€ NET tax / participant

Intra / Presential : 3943€ NET tax / group

Intra / Distanciel : 3243€ NET tax / group

Training program content

  • Gather trainees’ intentions in order to take their expectations into account throughout the course
Biodiversity and soils: an unavoidable challenge
  • Understand the functioning of biodiversity, ecosystems and the role of soils.
  • Understanding the causes and consequences of biodiversity loss
  • Experimenting with a biodiversity fresco to understand systemics and interdependence
  • Understanding the impact of human activities on soil and biodiversity
  • Understand possible actions at individual and collective level
Ecological, economic and social issues
  • Understanding the Sustainable Development Goals related to biodiversity and soils
  • Understand the evolution of biodiversity-related regulatory requirements
  • Understanding the systemic ecological and social issues related to biodiversity
  • Collectively identifying the root causes of ecological and social issues
Definition of Biodiversity and Living Soils
Dependency, issues and levers for action for industries
  • agriculture, agri-food, ecosystem services, health, desertification, societal balance and local economies, materials, climate impacts, modification of living conditions and ecosystems (e.g. oceans, mountains, coastlines, etc.)
Challenges and levers for the company
  • Notions of stakeholders
  • Understanding dependencies and impacts for each company
  • Initiate initial courses of action for each company
Case studies
  • Analyze and study concrete cases of corporate transition in favor of biodiversity
Beyond preservation, regeneration of biodiversity and soils: the challenges of COP15
  • Understanding ecosystem regeneration and its environmental, economic, geopolitical and social impacts
  • Identify inspiration for each company
Company project
  • Understanding international best practice
  • Identify company-specific actions
  • Involving stakeholders
Summary and conclusion
  • Project yourself into the future to put what you’ve learned into practice

Pedagogical methods

Face-to-face training given by 1 Connection Leadership trainer

Pedagogical tools used :

  • The Biodiversity Fresco
  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • The 9 planetary limits
  • The Donut Theory

Teaching method: learning-based pedagogy with alternating interactive activities using the group’s collective intelligence, content input by the trainer, and company work.

Technical resources:

  • 1 training room with the possibility of 2 islands of tables each measuring 2m by 1m
  • 1 overhead projector or screen
  • 2 paper boards

Minimum 6 people for inter

Maximum 14 people


Biodiversity expert, seasoned animator of the Biodiversity Fresco, trained in facilitation and collective intelligence, specialist in helping companies transform their approach to sustainable development and responsible innovation.

Monitoring and assessment

Pre-course needs questionnaire and learning assessment quiz to better understand the audience’s level and expectations.

Follow-up and support for participants during case studies, exercises, role-playing and in-session tests.

Assessment of knowledge through a Quiz at the end of the course.

Post-training satisfaction and evaluation questionnaire.


Certificate of completion

Our other training courses on ecological transition

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