
Training objectives

  • Understand the major challenges of the environmental crisis through an integrated approach (raw materials consumption, energy consumption, CO2 and GHG emissions, air quality, soil, wastewater, impacts on biodiversity, effluent and waste management).
  • Identify concrete levers for action to initiate actions that are part of a circular economy
  • Defining and harmonizing the vocabulary of the ecological transition and the circular economy
  • Contextualize the positive and negative impacts generated by your activity
  • Unite teams around an inspiring ecological transition project

Pedagogical objectives

On completion of this course, trainees will be able to :

  • Prioritize issues and master orders of magnitude
  • Distinguish between the causes and consequences of the impact of human activities on the environment
  • Identify the negative externalities of its activities
  • Identify the action levers to be implemented in the context of your business
  • Master the vocabulary of the ecological transition and thecircular economy

Target audience

Executives, managers, key members of the company involved in the ecological transition project




3.5h (1/2 day)

Pedagogical methods

On-site at the company’s premises or at the training organization’s premises

Intra- and inter-company


Inter / Presential : 252€ NET tax / participant

Inter / Distanciel : 199€ NET tax / participant

Intra / Presential : 1393€ NET tax / group

Intra / Distanciel: 993€ NET tax / group

Training program content

The Circular Economy Fresco is acollective intelligence workshop.
Structured in two stages, participants gather in groups of five to seven around a table.
The workshop is divided into two chapters, exploring the history of natural resource use and the impact of human activities on the environment. After this observation phase, participants discover the levers for action to build an economy that respects the balance of life.

  • Tour de table, presentation of the Fresco and workshop schedule
Chapter 1
  • Participants build a Fresco from 30 cards to understand the impacts and systemic nature of the impacts of a linear economy.
    Each card is composed of a title, an image and a text that helps define and understand a subject (e.g.: extraction of raw materials, metals, hazardous waste, waste).
    All the data used in the card game comes from ADEME and UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) reports.
  • These cards are distributed successively in three batches of ten.
    The group builds a common reasoning as they go along, on a large blank sheet of paper.
    The cards are organized into a diagram of the current production-consumption system and its externalities.
  • Debrief: using felt-tip pens, participants decorate and visually organize their Fresque.
    They identify the impacts and links in the system that they can influence.
    The facilitator draws on what the participants have said, and supplements this with contributions specific to industrial issues.
Chapter 2
  • The presenter explains the concept of the circular economy and the paradigm shifts this new model can bring about in the current production-consumption model.
    The theoretical model used is Value Hill (Achterberg, Hinfelaar and Bocken 2016).
    This conceptual framework sets the scene for a life-cycle management approach to goods and services, as opposed to one focused on end-of-life management.
  • The moderator opens a time for individual brainstorming, with each participant proposing ideas for actions specific to their business and sector.
    The ideas are shared and collectively organized into three categories:

    • Reducing the use of resources and impacts
    • Optimize the use phase (extend lifespan, intensify, pool, etc.).
    • Circularizing materials
  • Participants’ ideas are commented on, and the moderator enriches the discussion with inspiring examples of industry-specific achievements.
    Following this initial overview of the actions proposed by participants, 4 sets of 5 cards are distributed.
    Each card illustrates and defines an action that enables action to be taken on the three pillars (e.g. economy of functionality, reconditioning, eco-design).
    Participants complete their Fresco with these 20 “action” cards and organize them on the Fresco around a representation of the “Value Pyramid”, which takes up the three pillars.
  • Participants individually identify the “action” card they wish to activate, and discuss initial ideas and opportunities for development.

Our results indicators

of satisfaction with training content
0 %
of satisfaction with the speakers
0 %
of trainees recommend the course
0 %

Pedagogical methods

This face-to-face workshop takes place without the use of digital tools, which encourages discussion.

Face-to-face or remote workshop facilitation.

Intervention methods :

  • Face-to-face: 1 facilitator for 5 to 14 participants (2 groups of 7 people can participate simultaneously)
  • Remote: 1 facilitator for 5 to 7 participants

Teaching method: learning-based pedagogy with alternating interactive activities using the group’s collective intelligence and content input by the trainer.

Technical resources:

  • Face-to-face: training room with the possibility of setting up 2 islands of tables, each measuring 2m by 1m.
  • Remote: Internet connection, online software Wall-mounted, computer

Minimum 6 people for inter

Maximum 14 people


The workshop is organized by a trainer certified by the association La Fresque de l’Economie Circulaire.
La Fresque de l’Economie Circulaire is an association that trains volunteer and professional facilitators.
Professional facilitator profiles are selected on the basis of the trainers’ professional experience and areas of expertise.

Monitoring and assessment

Pre-course needs questionnaire and learning assessment quiz to better understand the audience’s level and expectations.

Follow-up and support for participants during case studies, exercises, role-playing and in-session tests.

Assessment of knowledge through a Quiz at the end of the course.

Post-training satisfaction and evaluation questionnaire.


Certificate of completion

Our other training courses on ecological transition

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