Social relations in the workplace: what if we stopped focusing on conflicts?
Social relations are a key element in the dynamics of any organization. However, they are often studied in terms of conflict, and seen as a source of inevitable tension.
The inspiration for this article came from a recent testimonial following one of our “BOOST” seminars. One customer confided in me: “We’ve seen a lot of coaches, but we’ve never had an experience like this before! At first, it may seem irrational to invest time and money in fields that, at first glance, seem secondary (behavioral sciences, philosophical reflection, foresight…). However, this investment proves invaluable and quickly pays off.
So, how do we manage to create strong collective emulation and lasting support for company development projects, even in situations that sometimes seem to be at an impasse?
Our first step is always to listen and identify the needs you share with us. We then work with you to identify ways to explore and support your entire ecosystem, which is itself in constant motion.
Thanks to the practice of generative listening, in a short space of time the people we talk to provide us with important information for the success of the project. They very clearly name the problem that concerns them, and thus quickly give us access to deeper aspects. The precise way in which this process works confirms the value of exchanges between humans, and not just between humans and machines… When listening, our professional coaching training has generally taught us not to dwell on the story or the technical information, but to listen above all to the emerging potential that emerges through the exchanges. Following the principles of mindfulness, we create space for expression and openness to what presents itself, naming it simply and without judgment.
In our methodology, we have developed a complement to this generative listening with our approach as coach-consultants, also focusing on the technical and economic issues involved. By helping our contacts to pinpoint the obstacles and analyze the root causes, we invite you to take your thinking one step further and become a powerful source of solutions.
This diagnostic phase will highlight the areas for improvement and development that need to be addressed if you are to reach your full potential within your ecosystem, and make the most of your assets, even those that are still hidden. While considering your current and future constraints and objectives.
The 4 levels of listening according to Otto Scharmer’s Theory U
Transformation takes place at different levels. Together, we’ll take a look at the different dimensions that need to be taken into account to ensure your company’s transformation is a success: business aspects, technology, culture and innovation. Why ? Because all of these aspects are always connected to each other. The various dimensions have an interdependent impact on other dimensions. By taking them into account, and activating them simultaneously, we help you generate and fuel the virtuous circle of your business transformation. We help you set up the dynamics for the continuous co-construction of your future.
This co-construction is carried out at all levels of the company to reinforce collective commitment, thanks to a collaborative approach. This interest in the field and operational performance is as essential as the support we provide to executive committees and managers. We employ a methodology that includes interviews with key people, as well as with peripheral individuals, who, while less central, provide equally valuable perspectives.
In this way, we listen to the various components of the system, then help it to appropriate the findings. This is a delicate exercise, as the system doesn’t always “want” to learn about itself. However, this approach enables us to obtain results where it is usually difficult to do so.
According to various studies, between 85% and 95% of attempted business transformations fail or are unsuccessful. Among the reasons for these failures, low levels of employee commitment and a failure to take complexity into account are often put forward.
Our approach is cross-functional and results-oriented. Thanks to a holistic method that combines extensive benchmarking with in-depth knowledge of the human being, we support companies in a comprehensive way, reconciling cultural, human, technological and business approaches. We integrate these dimensions to create an effective and lasting synergy.
Because we’re convinced that speed is also a crucial element in any transformation, we encourage you to experiment, to initiate movement and to be willing to adapt when necessary to achieve rapid results.
Once this dynamic is underway, we support you in a powerful phase of leadership and empowerment. Our teams of experts – business consultants and certified coaches – offer you the diversity and complementarity of their skills. These seasoned professionals, who have held positions of responsibility in various sectors and led major projects, provide invaluable expertise.
When an already successful team is involved, the action plan becomes even more effective. For others, the action plan alone is not enough, and requires a phase of maturation and ongoing development. Our methodology takes these nuances into account, enabling us to cultivate a breeding ground for lasting, successful transformations.
Is your company undergoing a transformation? Are you a new employee? Do you want to energize your team? Is your company undergoing a reorganization?
A simple way to put our approach into practice is to organize a “BOOST” seminar to give you the keys to energizing your team and moving forward together towards your goals.
With this tailor-made program, we create a unique experience based on MIT professor Otto Scharmer’s Theory U model. The teams live an experience that mixes theory and practice, and that serves to nourish the collective reflection on the transformation in progress. Depending on your objectives, we will draw up a program that may include several workshops led by by experts and consultants from a variety of fields – from gestural intelligence to roadmap creation, from conferences to a talking circle.
This time dedicated to you and your team will boost your team’s energy and strengthen its foundations, by cultivating a space for discovering other team members and the new leader.
Our “BOOST” seminar will lead you to concrete action, and powerful realizations happen in no time, thanks to an environment of trust, mutual support and authenticity. Our approach enables you and your team to align around the new goals and roadmap, and commit together to a new direction.
a seminar to give yourself a boost
If you’re working on these transformational issues, or would like to develop them further, get in touch with us to find out more about Connection Leadership’s practical solutions. More than a consulting firm, Connection Leadership is your partner in holistic transformation.
Our approach, based on transversality and pragmatism, brings you all the necessary elements to co-construct the transformation of your company. This co-construction is carried out with all levels of the company to improve collective commitment. Our coaching and transformation programs are designed to bring impact and concrete results, ultimately empowering you in your transformation.
Social relations are a key element in the dynamics of any organization. However, they are often studied in terms of conflict, and seen as a source of inevitable tension.
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Certifié par le Centre International du Coach | © Connection Leadership 2022 | Tous droits réservés – Création de site Internet par Emilie Briosca