Betsy Parayil

Betsy Parayil-Pezard for IMM, part of MediaSchool ‘s Continuing Education division Our relationship with work is in constant flux, and our vision of corporate leadership must take this permanent swell into account.
In the face of the current health crisis, the decision to protect our health with measures that prevent us from working has provoked a general questioning of the place of work in our lives.

What the crisis has taught us

[…] companies argued that the crisis merely validated existing values and reinforced a previously defined raison d’être.
Our economic system runs on confidence and optimism.
This mechanism reflects our individual and collective need to believe in the promise of a better future.

Digging deeper

In these uncertain times, I would like to invite you to connect with your inner world. inner world to create a precious space of stability and creativity.
This is where the ideas and commitment needed to continue our shared history are born.
[…] I invite you to become aware of the invisible architecture of your beliefs, for it is this architecture that defines the limits of your possibilities and those of all those who work under your responsibility.

Aligning the inner and outer worlds

[…] The external world we criticize, the world that seems far removed from who we are, has its roots in our inner world […] Our influence as leaders emanates above all from what we embody. Real transformations take place on an inner level, individually and collectively, before they emerge outside ourselves. […] The time has come for decision-makers to take this path towards enlightened leadership. Without genuine self-transformation, without actively aligning one’s life with one’s values, it is difficult, if not impossible, to become the authentic leader of an organizational or societal transformation. […] Today, the decisions taken by the business world surpass the authority of States: the impact of business leaders on the world is indisputable. As a result, the evolution of the inner consciousness of decision-makers is bound to have a major direct effect on the future of humanity and our planet.
Read the full articleReadalso: Experts shed light on the end of management, and the hunger for leadership

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