The circular economy fresco: Identifying levers for action
You’d like to identify concrete levers for action to get things moving in a circular economy.
Accueil » Trainings » Ecological Transition training » Become a Climate Fresco animator
To be able to run an independent climate fresco workshop, mastering the workshop’s technical and pedagogical basics.
On completion of this course, trainees will be able to :
All employees
Have participated in a Climate Fresco workshop
7h (1 day)
Intra- and inter-company
Inter / Presential : 435€ NET tax / participant
Inter / Distanciel : 188€ NET tax / participant
Intra / Presential : 2243€ NET tax / group
Intra / Distanciel : 1500€ NET tax / group
Pedagogical tools used :
Teaching method: learning-based, participative teaching, exchanges and discussions between participants, role-playing as a facilitator.
Technical resources:
Minimum 6 people for inter
Maximum 14 people
specialist in Ecological Transition, experienced trainer for the Fresque du Climat, trained in facilitation and collective intelligence management, specialist in supporting business transformation and training trainers.
Pre-course needs questionnaire and learning assessment quiz to better understand the audience’s level and expectations.
Follow-up and support for participants during case studies, exercises, role-playing and in-session tests.
Assessment of knowledge through a Quiz at the end of the course.
Post-training satisfaction and evaluation questionnaire.
Certificate of completion
You’d like to identify concrete levers for action to get things moving in a circular economy.
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You’d like to run a 2tonne workshop and take up the challenge of climate change and encourage people to take action.
Certifié par le Centre International du Coach | © Connection Leadership 2022 | Tous droits réservés – Création de site Internet par Emilie Briosca