
Training objectives

At the end of this training course, participants will have integrated the various components that make up a green transition investment project.

Pedagogical objectives

At the end of this course, trainees will be able to :

  • Understand the main climate issues for industrial companies (Paris Agreements, legislation, the 6 challenges of ecological transition for industry)
  • Identify the types of green transition investment projects
  • Integrate the framework document and its components (scope, challenges, resources, finances, benefits, planning, change management)
  • Present the framework for a green transition investment project

Target audience

Executives, managers, key members of the company involved in the Ecological Transition project




7h (1 day)

Pedagogical methods

Face-to-face on company premises or OF premises or distance learning

Intra- and inter-company


Inter / Presential : 468€ NET tax / participant

Inter / Distanciel : 250€ NET tax / participant

Intra / Presential : 2500€ NET tax / group

Intra / Distanciel : 2000€ NET tax / group

Training program content

Investing in an Ecological Transition project
  • Welcome, objectives and working environment
  • Introduction to climate: presentation of the IPCC and the Paris Agreement
  • Legislative – industry objectives
  • The 6 transition challenges facing industrial companies
  • Ecological transition investment projects: the main types and their characteristics
  • The framework document: a must for an ecological transition project that includes investments
  • Framework document components: scope, challenges, resources, finances, benefits, planning, change management
  • Putting it into practice: presenting your investment project in elevator pitch mode
Framing and presenting your project
  • Focus on the scope: the general scope of the project (What, For Whom, How)
  • Focus on the issues: how to measure each issue involved
  • Focus on finance: project investment/operating costs and expected gains (BP, CAPEX, OPEX, ROI)
  • Sub-group role-play: prepare the framework document for an example project
  • Setting the scene: presenting the project framework to a plenary session
  • Conclusion

Pedagogical methods

Training given by 1 Connection Leadership trainer

Teaching method: learning-based pedagogy with alternating interactive activities using the group’s collective intelligence and content input by the trainer.

Technical resources:

  • 1 training room
  • 1 overhead projector or screen
  • 2 paper boards

Minimum 6 people for inter

Maximum 14 people


Specialist in Ecological Transition and investment projects, trained in the facilitation and management of collective intelligence, specialist in supporting business transformation.

Monitoring and assessment

Preliminary questionnaire to gather needs and evaluation quiz to better understand the level and expectations of the audience.

Follow-up and support for participants during case studies, exercises, role-playing and in-session tests.

Assessment of knowledge through a Quiz at the end of the course.

Post-training satisfaction and evaluation questionnaire.


Certificate of completion

Our other training courses on ecological transition

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