
Training objectives

This training course is designed for project managers who will have to launch Value Analysis (VA) projects, as well as for people who will have to participate in a VA group.

One of the aims of this training course is to convey to participants the spirit, concepts and tools needed to implement the approach within their ecological transition or other projects.
Alternating theoretical and practical sessions will enable participants to appropriate the concepts and tools.

Pedagogical objectives

At the end of the course, trainees will be able to :

  • Understanding and using the concept of value
  • Understanding the principles of VA and its main tools
  • Identify use cases for functional and value analysis tools
  • Structuring a complete or partial value analysis approach for a project
  • Prepare to set up and lead an AV group for a Company Transition or other project

Target audience

Project teams working on topics related to the ecological transition




21h (3 days)

Pedagogical methods

Face-to-face on company premises or OF premises or distance learning

Inter-company or intra-company


Inter / Presential : 1328€ NET tax / participant

Inter / Distanciel : 750€ NET tax / participant

Intra / Presential : 6900€ NET tax / group

Intra / Distanciel : 6000€ NET tax / group

Training program content

This training consists of several stages.
The first stage provides anunderstanding of the major concepts and principles structuring these approaches

  • Objectives, training context, schedule, tour de table, etc..,
General introduction
  • Why take an interest in Value Management (VM)?
Know the principles and tools of Value Analysis (VA)

A few points of reference on competitiveness and value :

  • Paths to value creation
  • Value and perceived value
Introduction to the concept of value and value analysis (VA)
  • What is a “product” as seen through the lens of value analysis?
  • The notion of value: the “service rendered/cost” ratio approach
  • The basic mechanisms for increasing value for beneficiaries and customers
  • VA applications, illustrated by examples
A little history...
  • Where does VA come from?
  • What are these fields of application?
VA methodological approach
  • Multidisciplinarity and openness
  • General organization of the approach

The second stage of this training program provides a detailed presentation of the associated tools.

Framing a project
  • Stakeholders and their ambitions
  • The perimeter
  • The life cycle

This stage involves looking at a few key initial points:

  • The right level of object questioning
  • Access to customers / dialogue with customer
  • Composition of the multidisciplinary group
  • Collection of input data (e.g. costs, competitors, etc.)
From needs to functions: a 4-step functional analysis
  • Identify and formalize interactors, functions and constraints using various methods
  • Building a functional tree structure
  • Prioritize and characterize functions and constraints
  • Formalize this first phase: functional specifications (CdCF)
Conducting a value analysis
  • Identify anomalies: excess costs and poorly met expectations, using utility/cost histograms to target priorities
  • Finding alternative ideas: organizing and stimulating creativity to build solutions :
    • A guide to creativity,
    • A look at a few methods,
    • Sorting and viewing.
  • Evaluate and compare these ideas
  • Build scenarios and make recommendations
  • The value analysis toolbox
  • Formalization in a decision-support report

This step will enable participants to ask themselves the “right questions” about costs in value analysis:

  • Which point of view to take?
  • Choosing a reference system
From Value Analysis to Value Management
  • Value analysis in everyday life, bringing the principles of value analysis to life in a natural way
  • The keys to Value Management

The final stage of this program consists of giving participants a few keys to implementing these approaches within their projects.

Identify a relevant project to implement the approach
  • Build your AV strategy,
  • Leverage existing in-house tools
  • Formalize an initial base on the practical case seen during the session
Set up a collaborative work group
Leading an AV group in practice
  • Human dynamics in the AV group
  • Schedule and resource management
  • Debriefing typical situations

Pedagogical methods

The various concepts and tools presented will be applied to case studies throughout the course.
In this way, each theoretical part is followed by an immediate practical application.
In this way, training becomes more enjoyable for participants, as it is less lecture-based and enables rapid appropriation of concepts and tools.

Technical resources:

  • 1 training room where tables can be arranged to work in sub-groups of 4 people
  • 1 video projector or TV screen
  • 1 flipchart for 4 people

Minimum 6 people for inter

Maximum 14 people


Expert in value-based management, trained in the facilitation and management of collective intelligence, specialist in business transformation support.

Monitoring and assessment

Pre-course needs questionnaire and learning assessment quiz to better understand the audience’s level and expectations.

Follow-up and support for participants during case studies, exercises, role-playing and in-session tests.

Assessment of knowledge through a Quiz at the end of the course.

Post-training satisfaction and evaluation questionnaire.


Participants leave with a certificate of training in the MV approach.
This training course is eligible for level 1 certification as a “Value Management Participant” issued by AFAV.

Please note that AFAV is an independent association, and that Connection Leadership is not authorized to issue certification directly.
Entry to the certification process is an individual decision for trainees, who must apply to AFAV.
However, Connection Leadership can act as an intermediary between participants and AFAV.

Our other training courses on ecological transition

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