Connection Leadership School of Transformational Coaching opens in September 2020

Right now, I’m contemplating a beautiful sunset over Mont Blanc from Les Arcs.
The golden light is becoming more and more horizontal and is beginning to brush against the clouds, which are turning pink and orange.
When I published my book ” Awakening Your Life Through Mindfulness Meditation” in 2018, I thought I’d develop my ideas for the general public, however it was a meeting with Patrick Hoffstetter at a conference, and the emergence of our shared vision of business transformation, that inspired me to undertake an ambitious project to transform a company globally.

My first conversations with Patrick

We talked about the many failures of economic and digital transformations that we had observed.
We agreed that the human factor was not sufficiently taken into account in the accompaniment of these movements, despite the agile and collaborative fashions that seemed to be everywhere.
With a new team, we began to co-create a holistic approach, where the needs of business and culture came into conversation.
This intellectual, intuitive and philosophical conversation, which lasted just under two years, was necessarily confrontational…
We committed ourselves to expressing and listening to the substance of our differences, in order to allow an authentic, innovative and harmonious convergence to emerge, serving our customers’ needs for transformation.

Testing our approach

With over 50 coaches and consultants, we put our ideas to the test.
Patrick brought his extensive experience with digital transformations and the onboarding of a wide variety of business topics for start-ups, large corporations and GAFAs, and I irrigated our set-up with my in-depth knowledge of human accompaniment, with the philosophy I implemented from my experiences in corporate management, my Master’s degree in “Mindfulness Studies” and my coaching and leadership training.
Conscious dialogue, listening and talking circles, meditation, yoga … we have found a strong link between our practice of presence and connection in the Connection Leadership team, and our ability to set a customer company in motion to build its future.

Results at stake

The results were sometimes spectacular, sometimes less visible, and in all cases – with our team, we developed a strong in-house culture with a rare combination of high standards and empathy.
Today, we are called upon by other companies, organizations that are currently thirsting for results, in crisis, on their umpteenth and perhaps last attempt at transformation.
We are driven by non-judgment, by radical acceptance, by “not knowing”, by the spirit of the eternal beginner, fueled by a determination to prune what has become obsolete in this uncertain world, in order to create space for this emerging future that calls for visionaries.
We’ve spent time with executives, with financiers, with sales people, with assistants and receptionists, with call center managers, with their managers, with data scientists and IT teams.
We’ve organized over 1,000 training courses, coaching sessions, workshops and other forms of support, with a high level of energy that has never waned.

A desire to pass on

Today, as we continue to undertake transfo projects in companies, we have decided to pass on the coaching and consulting approach that drives us through a training program.
We called this program to become a coach-consultant of transformation an inspiration from our many awarenesses of this natural phenomenon. Our first session starts on September 15, 2020, and registration is currently open.
During the summer, our team is available to help you if you’d like to join us.
Our first registrants are consultants who have tested and experienced the adventure with us in the workplace, and who want to take their coaching skills to the next level.
If you want to know what’s so exciting that you’d like to take 7 months to explore it in even greater depth, come and have a chat!
We’ll be in touch soon… Betsy Parayil-Pezard

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