
Training objectives

At the end of this training course, participants will have the tools they need to manage and financially monitor an ecological transition investment project.

Pedagogical objectives

On the basis of tools specific to project financial management

  • Understand the characteristics of a green transition investment project and its phases
  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of the financial manager
  • Pre-implementation: mastering the financial tools and data involved in an investment project
  • Master the relevant financial vocabulary: opex/capex; ROI, payback, IRR, discounted cash flow, RAF, CBTP…
  • During execution: identify, evaluate and rationalize project costs and risks
  • Post-execution: master post-execution monitoring tools (profitability, etc.)

Target audience

Executives, managers, key members of the company involved in the Ecological Transition project




7h (1 day)

Pedagogical methods

Face-to-face on company premises or OF premises or distance learning

Intra- and inter-company


Inter / Presential : 468€ NET tax / participant

Inter / Distanciel : 250€ NET tax / participant

Intra / Presential : 2500€ NET tax / group

Intra / Distanciel : 2000€ NET tax / group

Training program content

Financial management of a green transition investment project
  • Ecological transition investment projects: the main types and their characteristics
  • The 6 Phases of an investment project: Frame, Plan, Finance, Decide, Execute, Control
  • Execution phase: at the heart of financial management.
    Before, during and after
  • Financial management of an investment project: roles and responsibilities
  • Pre-execution: financial data for an investment project; Business Plan, Financing Plan, Multi-year Investment Program, Operation Sheet
  • Role-playing in sub-groups: pre-study of an investment case just before the decision.
    Adopting a financial manager’s perspective
  • Case study: Presenting the analysis as a financial manager to the group
Tools and scenarios
  • Financial vocabulary: opex/capex, ROI, payback, IRR, discounted cash flow, RAF, CBTP…
  • During execution: Identify, evaluate and rationalize project costs.
    Budget tracking, Cash flow monitoring
  • During implementation: Managing project risks and hazards
  • Post-execution: Post-execution monitoring tools (Financial KPIs: Profitability, Cash Flow; Environmental KPIs)
  • Sub-group role-play: case study of a project in financial difficulty during the execution phase: analysis and action plan.
  • Conclusion of the day

Pedagogical methods

Training given by 1 Connection Leadership trainer

Teaching method: learning-based pedagogy with alternating interactive activities using the group’s collective intelligence and content input by the trainer.

Technical resources : 

  • 1 training room
  • 1 overhead projector or screen 
  • 2 paper boards

Minimum 6 people for inter

Maximum 14 people


Specialist in Ecological Transition and investment projects, trained in facilitating and managing collective intelligence, specialist in supporting business transformation.

Monitoring and assessment

Preliminary questionnaire to gather needs and evaluation quiz to better understand the level and expectations of the audience.

Follow-up and support for participants during case studies, exercises, role-playing and in-session tests.

Assessment of knowledge through a Quiz at the end of the course.

Post-training satisfaction and evaluation questionnaire.


Certificate of completion

Our other training courses on ecological transition

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