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As an industrial company, you’re asking yourself certain questions about the ecological transition.

What do I need to put in place? What impact does this have on my business? No or few actions taken? You want to take action and have an ecological transition project, with or without investment?

Our catalog of Ecological Transition training courses for the industrial sector includes several routes. Their purpose is to help industrial companies and their employees to improve their understanding and ability to pass on knowledge.

a catalog tailored to your maturity

Raise awareness within your company and among your employees to guide them towards action, define your ecological transition plan and make it your own.

Get involved in the Ecological Transition with training courses enabling you to implement your Ecological Transition project pragmatically and immediately.

Invest in the ecological transition with training courses enabling you to implement your Ecological Transition project including investments (technological, process, patents, etc.).

Deploy global approaches linked to the Ecological Transition (CSR, ISO, Lean, product/service certification….) and other cross-functional methods (causal trees, value analysis, 5S, etc.).

Our training courses are all based on practical application.

You leave with concrete action plans.

Our teaching methods are based on experimentation, expertise and collective intelligence.

1 - Raising awareness and commitment :
Launch a transition plan!

As an industrial company, you want to anticipate and take your first steps in the ecological transition. We have created two training programs for this purpose:

2 - Decline and deploy :
Get involved!

You would like to implement your ecological transition plan in terms of organization, human resources and/or technical issues. We have created several training courses to meet your needs:

3 - Deepening and investing :
Boost your ecological transition!

You haven’t yet structured your organization and invested in the ecological transition, and you need to move fast? Do you already have an ecological transition project structure and would like to receive training in the consequences and consolidate the skills of ecological transition pilots? We have different programs to meet your needs:

4 - Equip yourself :
Use large-scale tools
and get everyone on board!

Would you like to consolidate your ecological transition project with solid methods? Would you like to adapt your business to the ecological transition? Would you like to get all your teams involved in the ecological transition? We therefore offer you the following toolbox, with programs for the general public and specially developed programs.


You’re unique, and so is your company. That’s why we work with you to identify your own path to ecological transition and find the resources to follow it.

We have a comprehensive offering to support you at every stage of your ecological transition.

We tailor our programs to suit your level of maturity and cultural background. We’re not just a training organization. Our experience in transformation and our holistic consulting services enable us to offer you a unique training program tailored to your needs. We’ll work with you to build the right career path and guide you towards greater leadership in transition issues.


The industry’s green strategy should be built around three main levers:

  • Sobriety: reduce consumption, find new business models based on usage, explore products in its catalog that are doomed to disappear due to the number of constraints (environmental, geopolitical, reputational, etc.).
  • Efficiency: waste reduction for inputs and manufacturing processes, circular economy, investment in new processes, reuse of wastewater and waste heat.
  • Energy transition: identify energy- or heat-consuming processes for which fossil fuels can be replaced by electrified processes, become your own electricity producer, even for back-up (solar panels).

Do you have a training project in ecological transition?